Microsoft is working on the next generation of Pre-touch input for upcoming smartphones. There were rumors about he Microsoft Surface Phone which is alleged to run on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 and with insane 8 GB RAM. The next generation of Microsoft smartphones may feature this new cutting-edge display technology.
This new project of Microsoft offers enhanced touch interaction on mobile devices was unveiled in a demo video. Pre-touch sensing for mobile interaction, which pictures various approaches where this feature can be implemented.
The video demoed the working of this technology on apps such as video players, games, file handling, and browsers.
This could be used to show context menu option before the finger touches the screen more like the Apple’s force touch display functionality where a user needs to apply force.
Instead, you have to just hover your finger on top of App to give you more options, making life easier.
The video shows a prototype video player, which utilizes this pre-touch sensing for showing interactive elements such as volume control, adjusting brightness, play or pause buttons, equalizer etc.
This new project of Microsoft offers enhanced touch interaction on mobile devices was unveiled in a demo video. Pre-touch sensing for mobile interaction, which pictures various approaches where this feature can be implemented.
The video demoed the working of this technology on apps such as video players, games, file handling, and browsers.
The pre-touch sensing looks like a high-sensitivity capacitive touch digitizer that’s capable of sensing the fingers at a distance just like a proximity sensor.Possibilities are limitless with the new tech!
This could be used to show context menu option before the finger touches the screen more like the Apple’s force touch display functionality where a user needs to apply force.
Instead, you have to just hover your finger on top of App to give you more options, making life easier.
The video shows a prototype video player, which utilizes this pre-touch sensing for showing interactive elements such as volume control, adjusting brightness, play or pause buttons, equalizer etc.
On a browser, the same is used to highlight contents, such as links, video streams.
The feature also helps to ease the interaction some tricky places like text or file selection, enlarge small clickable items in a dense area and also differentiate between a tap and swipe.
The pre-touch also detects how you hold the phone by some sensors at the gripping area, it senses whether you hold it in your right or left hand, thereby showing the interactive elements to the close proximity of your fingers.
This approach looks similar to apple’s 3D touch but it works by sensing the finger from above the screen surface, instead of sensing the pressure from below like the 3D touch.
The pre-touch screens were supposed to launch in 2014 by Microsoft but yet are still a concept and WIP.
Ever after 2 years Microsoft is reconsidering the project.
It’s almost 9 years ever since the first capacitive touch phone the LG Prada was introduced.
Pre-touch can be groundbreaking developments in touch screen technology other than the forced touch by Apple, Samsung Curved OLED’s or the curved flexible display by LG. Microsoft’s new pre-touch sensing technology is going to be the coolest thing ever done for smartphone displays.
The feature also helps to ease the interaction some tricky places like text or file selection, enlarge small clickable items in a dense area and also differentiate between a tap and swipe.
The pre-touch also detects how you hold the phone by some sensors at the gripping area, it senses whether you hold it in your right or left hand, thereby showing the interactive elements to the close proximity of your fingers.
This approach looks similar to apple’s 3D touch but it works by sensing the finger from above the screen surface, instead of sensing the pressure from below like the 3D touch.
The pre-touch screens were supposed to launch in 2014 by Microsoft but yet are still a concept and WIP.
Ever after 2 years Microsoft is reconsidering the project.
It’s almost 9 years ever since the first capacitive touch phone the LG Prada was introduced.
Pre-touch can be groundbreaking developments in touch screen technology other than the forced touch by Apple, Samsung Curved OLED’s or the curved flexible display by LG. Microsoft’s new pre-touch sensing technology is going to be the coolest thing ever done for smartphone displays.
Microsoft Pre -touch Display Tech Can Be Next Big Thing
Reviewed by h
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